About Us, Dancers

A Day in the Life of a Code f.a.d. Dancer: MacKenzie Buice

MacKenzie Buice

MacKenzie Buice exploring her new surroundings!

*Editor’s note: This represents a day in MacKenzie’s life back in August 2013 – when she first moved to the area and joined Code f.a.d. Company. MacKenzie now works for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in Cary when she’s not in dance class or rehearsal. MacKenzie made her Code f.a.d. performing debut in our Beetlejuice dance at the 2013 SPARKcon.

In July of 2013, my husband Mike & I moved to the Triangle from Massachusetts for his new job. We absolutely love the area, and I’ve been enjoying a busy/lazy summer of settling in and getting used to my surroundings. Because of the move, I left my very normal routine, full-time job, friends, and family behind. A typical day these days is a bit atypical while I job search and get a lay of the land. Every day is a new adventure!

9:00 – Out of bed, shower, dress (I have the perk of sleeping in a bit while on the job hunt!)

9:30 – Head into Raleigh

10:00 – Internship: To keep busy, network, and get a little more experience in my field I have been interning with North Carolina Theatre’s Development Office. I’ve worked in development/fundraising for the past 3 years and having left a job in development in the social services sector, I’m now looking to transition in arts or higher education fundraising. The past 2 months at the theatre have been awesome! My work has focused on reception events for donors, organizing direct mail campaigns, and grant writing.

1:00 – Break for lunch

4:00- Wrap up more work & leave theatre, hit grocery store to pick up something for dinner and head home.

5:15 – Get home, check new job postings, and apply to anything new and exciting! Procrastinate and whine about not wanting to go to the gym…

6:30 – Finally get my butt to the gym. I’m back into training mode for my 7th half marathon in September, and running is always such a love/hate relationship for me. It’s a struggle to get to the gym, but once it’s over I feel great! I get in my miles, some lifting and ab work, and head back home.

8:00 – Shower & make dinner.

9:00 – Somewhere along the line Mike and I developed a 9:00 PM dinner time and its stuck. (Probably a habit we should break…)

9:30 – Dinner is followed by an episode or two of Lost. We didn’t get into it during the original run, but the whole series is now on Netflix and we’re sucked into to watching little else. Just started season 5, so many questions!

10:30-11:30 – Hit the sheets, always get in a few pages of whatever book I’m reading before my eyes get too tired and then it’s ZZZZZ…



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